Monday, May 17, 2010

The glass ceiling

You have dreams and goals
You have ambition and dedication
You feel like your going to rule the world

You are shooting towards the sky
feeling like nothing is going to stop you
but that's what you think
because, before you know it you have crashed and can't move any further.
The sky is clear though, and you can't see what's in your way
The stars are so close though
you can almost touch them with your hand
but the glass ceiling has gotten in your way.

blogging, good or bad?

I have to agree, that blogging for this class has helped me interact with people that I normally would have not spoken to and it has allowed me to get to know how others have felt about the class and the projects we have done, which has been interesting. The blog has allowed me to rethink the class activities and even the lessons that we have gone over in class. This has allowed me to understand and even memorized certain concepts, also it has given me the chance to express my feelings towards them. I really enjoyed reading the professors blogs because they were very inspirational and motivating. It is always nice to have someone that will motivate and remind you you to keep up with your goals. I do feel like this blog was not difficult at all and over all I enjoyed blogging about my thoughts. I am very thankful that it is 20% of our grade and think that it should be continued in future classes. I can't promise I will, but I might go back to blogging for other subjects and hobbies. Perhaps about advertising, it has definitely change my opinion about it in a positive way.


I feel that the diagnostic will have been more accurate if I were put under Influence/Conscientiousness, rather than the other way around .Although, Both were very close to each other. I always try to stay optimistic and like making favorable impressions. I also like being in groups, which is a reason why I am part of a athletic team in school. I would not mind having some Dominance characteristics though because it will help me be more firm with others and help me make quicker decisions. In regards to changing your type, i think that it will be pretty hard to become another type but it is not impossible, it is just a matter of trying to stick to it. I feel that this test could be used to help have an idea of the type of manager/leader a person is, but it should not be the only thing being used. A person should be given the opportunity to show who they are rather than by just taking a diagnostic test. I do think it can help you in other personal interactions because the test is not only showing how you are as a manager but also how you are as a person.