Monday, March 15, 2010

The planning process

We went through most of the planning process except for developing alternative scenarios. We were too confident in our first plan and therefore felt like we did not need need an alternative plan. I felt like if we will have thought of other plans, perhaps we could have been more successful. Also, we did not talk about the strengths that we had as a group. Other than that I feel like we went through all the other steps. We defined our goal, we wanted to save the egg from breaking and we wanted the extra credit. We also knew that we only had 25 minutes to plan our task and implement it. A weakness that we mentioned was that we were the farthest from the scissors, so we had to figure out a way to get them first. We then divided our roles, some of us worked on making the egg basket, while another person worked on getting the scissors. I was the smallest from the group, so I was chosen to get on the table to trow the egg, like that we believed the distance from me to the floor will have been shorter and there will be less impact to the egg. Overall, I do think we all cared about the task and wanted to get that extra credit and therefore worked together to try and make it happen.


  1. Minimizing the distance between the egg and the floor to lessen the impact was a great idea. Although I think generating alternatives would have helped your group. My group was somewhat confident in covering the egg with straws too, until someone suggested connecting all of the straws together into a pole and using it to minimize the distance from our egg to the floor even more. That alternative was better than our original, and our contraption turned out to be a success because of it.

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  3. Its interesting that you mention your group was the furthest from the scissors, it sounds such a simple concern but our group didnt even incorporate how far away we were from the scissors. I think everyone wanted to extra credit, its too bad (atleast for the people that didnt get it) that only a select few received it.
